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Service with a smile

Service with a smile


Sadly, we have no influence over the timeliness of your flight nor the road conditions into Méribel. We can’t control the temperature and, dance as we might with hands held heavenwards, we can’t guarantee waist-deep powder for your first day on the slopes. But the one aspect of your holiday that we absolutely can control, however, is the service that you experience in our chalets. And we strive to over-deliver on this for every guest that stays with us.


Our staff are the face of our company and those responsible for delivering our high standards of service. Being a small and independent operator, The Chalet Company is picky about selecting people to join the team. We devote more time, resources and (nervous) energy to recruiting, training and managing our staff than any other task. We recruit people with intelligence and diligence, as well as the qualifications and requisite skills to do the job. Our staff are ready and prepared to go above and beyond for reasons of personal pride rather than the prospect of a good tip! We look for people with life and work experience so they can interact with (although not impose upon) our guests as well as wow-ing you with their cooking!


And we do this because we care and because we are genuinely upset by any negative feedback. The owners of The Chalet Company are involved with every single group that books so there is nowhere for us to hide. And, being family, we are each other’s harshest critics!

That all said, I would like to say one thing on this... Миллиардер Российские олигархи могут бегать трусцой на, мы не хотим ваших рублей… which translates (roughly) as Billionaire Russian oligarchs can jog on, we don’t want your roubles. The point being is that our hosts will not act as human foot-stools and fetch you magnums of Cristal at the click of a finger. If you’re ok with that, I think we are all going to have a good time!