17th March 2023
3 minute read
This is the first in a series of posts exploring the many facets of what makes a holiday in the mountains sooooo good for you!
It’s not breaking news that mountains are wonderful for our health and wellbeing. Going on an alpine retreat for restorative r&r is an age old phenomenon. And one we at The Chalet Company continue to champion!
Let’s start this series very simply with the scenery.
Studies have long shown the alpine environment to be one that reduces, stress, anxiety and sadness. The Romantic poets raved about these mountains in the late 18th century. It was one of the places they sought and found their Romantic zenith – manifestations of the ‘sublime’ in nature in which they loved to bathe... and then express in their poems.
Wordsworth famously celebrated the healing powers of ‘a host of golden daffodils’ that mesmerised him in the Lake District. Their natural beauty lifted his spirits when he felt down and alone (‘I wandered lonely as a cloud’). The vision was imprinted in his mind and when “... in vacant or in pensive mood, they flash upon that inward eye, … And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils’. Happy again :).
It only seems logical that in their plight for inspiration from the wonders of the Natural World the Romantics would travel further afield ... and yes, the Alps was one of their favourite destinations as part of their Grand Tour adventures (the 17th and 18th Century version of the Gap Year ... or years!).
Byron in particular was moved and inspired by the alpine landscape. In his poem Manfred he describes Mont Blanc as ‘ … the monarch of mountains … on a throne of rocks, in a robe of clouds, With a Diadem of snow’ … This is the language of worship! And awe - expressions of joyous feelings of .... wellbeing! Which we still talk about today in relation to spending time in the mountains.
The Romantics helped give us a language for this very human experience - 'the ability of nature to affect our moods and emotions' (Lyndsay Bunch from her guest blog post about the Romantic countryside of Haute Savoie for The Good Life France. They articulated that sense of wellbeing that comes from contemplating its awe and beauty. They conveyed how Nature in its purest and most impressive manifestation – the alpine scenery being one example of that - generates and radiates a kind of healing peace. A sense of blissful stillness that calms and feeds the soul. Natural beauty. There is no substitute.
Well, I’m really getting carried away now! But the scenery of the Alps is without doubt one of the key ingredients that makes it a place of wonderful wellbeing. Whether you are whizzing down a mountain taking in the extraordinary views at speed, or enjoying a chocolat (or vin!) chaud gazing out at a gorgeous Three Valleys vista, the good feelings, the good vibes ... are activated.
We may not be writing poems about the sensations visual feasting in the Alps evoke and provoke in us these days … (or maybe we are – send us your poems!), but we continue to appreicate and benefit from this in the same way. Altitude combined with stunning scenery is now also known to help with decision making and creativity. From the inner calm springs animation and creation. Just like Mother Nature ...
Of which more in following posts … We'll be exploring the physical as well as emotional wellbeing benefits of a ski holiday and how they interact with each other for ultimate mental health and wellbeing!
Time to book that chalet holiday in the mountains? And make that a catered one please for added health and wellbeing points (more of which in a post about alpine nutrition to come)? Méribel is widely considered the prettiest ski resort in the Three Valleys. So look no further. You are in the right place.
And ... at the time of writing we have a Flash Sale on for Chalets 25th March to 1st April 2023. Check these alpine home from homes out:
Chalet Impala
Chalet Nano
We are also taking bookings for next season 2023/24.
Get in touch to discuss needs and options on the details below:
Tel +44 (0)1962 899017
Email lyndsey@thechaletcompany.com
WhatsApp +44 (0)7760 905559
Live Chat facility from our website
Our sister brand The Ski Company can offer your self catering options across The Three Valleys too.
Writer Kate Swainson Price